Community Life » Parent Teacher Group (PTG)

Parent Teacher Group (PTG)

Parent Teacher Group (PTG)

Parent Teacher Group (PTG)

The primary purpose of a PTG is to foster a strong partnership between parents and teachers to support and enhance the educational experience of students. This collaboration aims to create a supportive and inclusive school community that benefits students, teachers, and parents alike.

The All Hallows  Academy PTG meets monthly to plan for and organize all those activities, which it sponsors and oversees to benefit its students, faculty/staff, and families.  The profits from its fundraising activities are significant in the operating budget.  Profits may also be designated toward special projects to assist with PTG expenses.



  1. Communication:
    • Facilitate open and effective communication between parents and teachers.
    • Keep parents informed about school policies, events, and educational initiatives.
  2. Support:
    • Provide volunteer support for school events, classroom activities, and extracurricular programs.
  3. Fundraising:
    • Organize fundraising activities to support school programs, facilities, and resources not covered by the school budget.
  4. Community Building:
    • Organize social events and activities that encourage parental involvement and strengthen the school community.
    • Foster a sense of belonging and support among families, students, and staff.


The PTG is an essential part of our school community, working collaboratively to ensure that students have the best possible educational experience through the active involvement of parents and teachers.